I really, really loved writing a whole comedy set about bacteria for the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. One of my favourite things I’ve done in a little while. Hundreds of people came and we had a lovely review and positive feedback

“This sort of thing is exactly why Oxford is such a great place – long may it continue” – Daily Info https://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/feature/14216/stand-up-for-bacteria

Such a pleasure to assemble a team together for such an esoteric comedy topic. How do you make observational comedy about things people have never actually seen? How do you make your humour relatable about something people think about so rarely!

It’s such a positive review that frankly, I feel a bit embarrassed sharing it. I’ve never ever felt truly comfortable with all the shouting about how good you are that needs to be done in any performance industry. Every day, every post feels like an interview for your next booking. But I know its a necessary part of being able to perform at all.


The team were fantastic: Matt Hobs, Dan Squire, Ed Patrick and Louise Bastock. It was particularly fun to do a bit of writing together with Dan and Matt and perform some practice shows in some of the undergrad bars and colleges the week before.

It also forced me to read about something that I didn’t know a huge amount about beforehand. I always think that I read widely and deeply but without a task, at the end (like a degree or a job) I know I’ll end up reading similar things and not that deeply. I feel very privileged to be doing what I’m doing

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